Emory Andrew Tate (Andrew Tate)is an American-British media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer. 

Andrew Tate was born on 1 December 1986.

He received social attention in 2016 when he appeared on the British reality show BIG BROTHER . 

He was removed from the show after a video emerged of Tate repeatedly striking a woman with a belt (the two later stated the act was consensual).

Success story of ANDREW TATE

  • Built multiple million-dollar businesses: From webcam studios to online courses, Tate has demonstrated entrepreneurial acumen and business savvy.
  • Created successful online communities: Tate’s communities, like Hustler’s University, offer educational content and foster a supportive network for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Active and successful investor: Tate has invested in various sectors, demonstrating his financial intelligence and risk-taking ability.

Athletic Accomplishments:

  • Tate is a professional Kickboxing Champion and he has achieved success in the combat sports world, holding multiple world titles in kickboxing.
  • Tate’s athletic and monetary success inspires others to push their limits and achieve their goals.

Social contribution

  • Charities: Tate has donated to various charitable causes, demonstrating his commitment to giving back to society.
  • Support: Tate offers guidance and mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals seeking personal growth.
  • Social issues: Tate sometimes uses his platform to address social issues and encourage positive change.

Andrew’s twitter 

Connect with the influencer here

Twitter: @CobraTate


Andrew Tate presents a multidimensional persona. While his online presence can be divisive, it’s important to acknowledge his achievements, business acumen, athletic accomplishments, and contributions to society. His unique perspective, however controversial at times, can inspire critical thinking and encourage self-improvement.